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(2)The Hubpeople Guide to Setting up and Running Your Own Dating Website - The Set Up
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The Hubpeople Guide to Setting up and Running Your Own Dating Website - The Set Up
Below is a quick overview of your dashboard tabs:
1. The main overview includes your password and username. Use this page to download copies of your dating website.
2. Site Design - when you make any color or logo changes to your website, you will need to make them in this dashboard, and then send the information to your new website.
3. Wordpress - use this section to set up your Wordpress site.
4. Widgets - if you have built your own website using HTML, then these widgets can be used to link a visitor to the Hubpeople dating system.
5. Advanced - this page helps you to create your own website, allow tracking, and remove your site.
6. News - this includes site news.
7. Polls - the results of our member surveys.
8. Site Stats - this details your member sign ups and conversions.
9. Reports - create a transaction report.
Step 8
Log onto your Wordpress website. Hit ‘Appearance’ and choose ‘Themes’. Click the ‘Install Themes’ tab and choose ‘Upload’.
Go back to your Hubpeople dashboard and click on the ‘Wordpress’ tab.
Find step 2 and look for the words ‘Download the Hubpeople theme here’, click on the link and download the file.
Step 9
Go back to your Wordpress site and upload the zip folder that you downloaded in Step 8 by clicking ‘Browse’ and ‘Install Now’.
It can take a few minutes to upload.
Step 10
Once uploaded, click ‘activate’ and then click on the red ‘Hubpeople Page’ text to start linking your Wordpress site with your Hubpeople account.
Step 11
You now need to retrieve your settings from your Hubpeople account using your ID. You will find your id located back on your Wordpress settings page at step number 6.
Enter your site type and web id and click ‘Retrieve Settings’. This will link your account, your color scheme, and the logo that you uploaded earlier.
Remember, that in order to change your websites colors, you will need to change the color scheme and logo through your Hubpeople dashboard first, then return to your Wordpress website and click the ‘Retrieve Settings’ button to make the changes on your Wordpress site.
And that’s it! From this stage you can continue to customize your websites color scheme, layout and content. Stay with us for more dating website marketing, SEO and design tips.
Check out the full series of digital marketing guides for your dating website
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